Posted by: jd | February 22, 2009

The Oscars – Fingers Crossed !!!

Till last year (2008) , The Oscars has been an event of interest, but something that one would read next day in the newspaper, rather than getting up early morning in India and watch it live (This is true for me at least, no hard feelings).

But this year, things will be different at The Oscars for all the Indians. The Oscars brings in a special treat on this ocassion. For the first time a film shot in India, based on a story from India and more importantly involving multiple artists from India has bagged as many as 10 nominations at the Oscars.  If I am right, these 10 nominations can potentially realize into 9 Oscar Awards (as 2 nominations are in the category for A. R. Rahman).

SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE (SM), the film and everyone associated with it have indeed made Indians feel proud. I do think that the hard work SM team has put into making this film has now paid back. There is a very strong chance that these nominations turn into actual wins. I really do think so.

SM has bagged 10 nominations in total. I think they have a very good chance of winning, specifically for the nominations in category of music (I think there are 5 nominations) and film editing.  There will be very close competition in other areas like cinematography, screenplay, best film and direction. But, in all somewhere deep down, I wish and hope that SM makes it into all the categories it has been nominated into 🙂

I am very much looking forward to watch live telecast of the event today evening (EST) and witness the history in making. If you need any further details on nominations, live telecast timing, etc. do visit Oscars’ official website.

I do not know, if all my projections or better put my anticipations will realize or not, but I know one thing for sure that due to the recognition and visibility recieved as a part of this event and pre-event hype, the Indian cinema and more importantly Indian artists will be better recognized at a global level, which is very important.

I wish all the best and a  very good luck to entire SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE team and also to all Indians.

For the time being Fingers Crossed !

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